Become a PennApps Diversity Fellow

Do you identify as a first-generation, low-income, or historically underrepresented hacker? Can you bring unique perspectives and experiences to PennApps XXIV? Are you looking for financial support for traveling to and attending our hackathon? If you said ‘yes’ to any of these questions, apply to join our Diversity Fellows Program now! Scan the QR code below, or go to this link:

Hackers accepted into the PennApps Diversity Fellows Program will receive full or partial reimbursement for travel and finding a place to stay during PennApps XXIV. Diversity Fellows will also gain exclusive access to a series of skill-building workshops put together by PennApps organizers in the weeks leading up to the hackathon. Don’t miss your chance to earn these amazing perks!

Application Information


Use this form to tell us more about you! We want to know how your background and experiences have given you a unique perspective, and how you would implement this perspective at PennApps XXIV.

Stay tuned for Diversity Fellow 2024!